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Learn more6:00amMonday
with your most humbled host... Chance Austin

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Learn more12:00pmMonday
Lehigh and WLVR Alumnus Andy Brown class of 1973 returns to the airwaves at his Alma mater! Andy was fresh out of Lehigh in 1973 and was hired at the legendary WSAN- AM 1470 ... the Music Box for his first Professional Disc Jockey gig! In the early to mid 70's Andy was a huge part of spinning rock and setting the tastes and musical trends for decades to come in the Lehigh Valley... now he's back at LVR to rock us as only he can... tune in, turn it up and tear off the Knob!
Learn more3:00pmMonday
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Learn more6:00pmMonday
Learn more9:00pmMonday
Learn more11:00pmMonday
Learn more12:00amTuesday
Learn more6:00amTuesday
with your most humbled host... Chance Austin

Where did all those songs go that nobody ever remembers? Well I'll tell ya...they're found right here at WLVR on "Swinging at Lehigh" every Tuesday morning from 9Am until noon. We spin music from the war (WWII) and before!You never know what's going to turn up. It's always good and it's always old! [audio mp3=""][/audio]
Learn more12:00pmTuesday
Harry Truman was President of the United States when Kevin was born... but he doesn't look a day over thirty!
Blues and Jazz are the sweet spots for Kevin.
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Learn more5:00pmTuesday
Tune in for your Tuesday Drive Time home at 5 Pm for the hippest, hottest, most excellent rippin and riffin' with some hefty Rockin n Rollin' for 2 hours of BARE WIRES with your host McMillan!
A true authority on all things Rhythm and Blues, Rockabilly , Rock N Roll related, Mcmillan brings the musicians perspective, taste and knowledge of the greatest periods of early Rock N Roll and all it's genres.
A respected musician first and a Disc Jockey for over 20 years at LVR, Mcmillan rocks and rolls out the deep tracks, the unknown facts and trivia of the eras that created the American art form of Rock N Roll! It's the fastest, wildest thrill ride that lasts 2 hours but speeds by in overdrive! Learn more7:00pmTuesday
Take an eclectic, diverse and entertaining journey through the decades of time with music guided by the all knowing, all seeing, all being TIME TRAVELER!
Learn more10:00pmTuesday
Learn more12:00amWednesday
Learn more6:00amWednesday
Start your Wednesday mornings with a hot coffee and deep tracks from the 60's, 70's and so much more with John! You might hear anything from Atomic Rooster to Savoy Brown, Jeff Beck to Grand Funk, Sam Cooke to Black Crowes and Humble's all here with a host that delivers a genuine positive vibe and a huge warm smile to begin your workday. Then tune in for The THURSDAY Morning Show at 6 AM, John spins again, takes your requests and rocks till 9AM for another great morning as the workweek winds down...
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Come to the refuge... RETRO REFUGE with Johnny V! Travel the rock decades from the 60's through the 80's! Take a look back at the Beatles each week with trivia and tracks, learn from the "College Of Useless Information", sports & weather recaps with a block of Southern Rock deep tracks to take you home! [audio wav=""][/audio]
Learn more12:00pmWednesday
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Learn more3:00pmWednesday
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Learn more6:00pmWednesday
Time is an inexact science yet still rocks in the 60's Garage, then maybe trips over Psychedelic London Nuggets...
No matter where Radak Rocks in the 60's it's ALWAYS Groovin, Swinging new riffs that send you on a Surf wave that might crash into some deep 60's Soul!
It's the 60's Rock Genres that have kept you listening for over 35 years while you ROCK with RADAK !
Learn more11:00pmWednesday
Learn more12:00amThursday
Learn more10:00amThursday
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Learn more12:00pmThursday
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Learn more3:00pmThursday
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Learn more7:00pmThursday
Learn more12:00amFriday
Learn more9:00amFriday
Your weekly trip down memory lane. “80s in the Morning” plays you the best variety of the 80s and more by your request since 2003. You will hear the songs you remember as well as the songs you may have forgotten or have never heard before! Rock, Metal, Pop, R&B, Dance, Novelty songs, and more. Also, we will reminisce some 80s facts, pop culture, and nostalgia plus give some info. on what your 80s artists are up to today!
Join us each Friday morning from 6a–9a on your Number One Preset- 91.3 FM or online at wherever you are in the globe!
Request your favorite song at 610–758–3913!
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Learn more12:00pmFriday
Travel back in time through the music that defined a decade. The last 10 years of the 20th century was a time like no other…if it came out in the 90’s you’ll hear it on this show.
Learn more6:00pmFriday
WLVR's Baby J & Star Friday 6-9 PM Baby J brings his unique style to the radio airwaves every Friday & Saturday night with his club style radio mixes which includes all genres of tropical music. Sabroso Radio w/ Baby J & Star has been on the air since 1991. Playing the best in Latin Music & today's music. Baby J & Star both originate from NY and decided to bring the Bi-lingual flavor to the Lehigh Valley area thru music. For over 20 years Sabroso Radio has been on the air providing great music thru the air waves of Lehigh University Radio. Listen live to Sabroso Radio Every Friday starting @ 6pm on WLVR 91.3fm or via internet @ [audio mp3=""][/audio] [audio mp3=""][/audio]
Learn more9:00pmFriday
FRIDAYS- 9 Pm to Midnight & Late Night 12-2 AM
Lock in to hear the HOTTEST tracks from breaking and Hip-Hop / Rap legends, mixed with the Old school classics that started it all...
Representin' the best of Hip-Hop, Rap, Classic R & B at it's best!
Learn more6:00amSaturday
with your most humbled host... Chance Austin

Learn more10:00amSaturday
Big Kev: A Big Americana Presence , WLVR's Americana / Roots Music Director and your most excellent host wakes and bakes your Saturday brunch from 11Am to 2 PM. Big Kev spins the latest top charting Americana songs served with a militia of classic roots, blues rock n' roll or soul grown in our great land. The revolution takes that British Invasion seriously as well. He will just throw out some Beatles or maybe kick out The Kinks, but Big Kev always comes back home to our American roots and blasts through all The Doors! With his faithful sidekick Chance Austin at his right wing , WLVR's Big Kev is much more than his physical stature, he is without doubt one of the Americana's most respected , regarded and beloved maker and shaker in this music scene for more than 20 years! He's been with LVR since 2011 and we ain't EVER lettin' him go... In fact... we make him produce and broadcast another radio show... AMERIKINDA WEEKLY! Join the Roots Rock Revolution and keep the heart and soul of this country's great music and artistry alive and kickin'! A.J. Fritz WLVR Station Mgr /Program Director Host of "FRITZROCKS since 1996 [audio mp3=""][/audio]
Learn more1:00pmSaturday
Big Kev: A Big Americana Presence , WLVR's Americana / Roots Music Director and your most excellent host wakes and bakes your Saturday brunch from 11Am to 2 PM. Big Kev spins the latest top charting Americana songs served with a militia of classic roots, blues rock n' roll or soul grown in our great land. The revolution takes that British Invasion seriously as well. He will just throw out some Beatles or maybe kick out The Kinks, but Big Kev always comes back home to our American roots and blasts through all The Doors! With his faithful sidekick Chance Austin at his right wing , WLVR's Big Kev is much more than his physical stature, he is without doubt one of the Americana's most respected , regarded and beloved maker and shaker in this music scene for more than 20 years! He's been with LVR since 2011 and we ain't EVER lettin' him go... In fact... we make him produce and broadcast another radio show... AMERIKINDA WEEKLY! Join the Roots Rock Revolution and keep the heart and soul of this country's great music and artistry alive and kickin'! A.J. Fritz WLVR Station Mgr /Program Director Host of "FRITZROCKS since 1996
Learn more2:00pmSaturday
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Learn more6:00pmSaturday
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Learn more10:00pmSaturday
Learn more12:00amSunday
Learn more9:00amSunday
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Join your host Mo as "Mountain Jam" highlights The Allman Brothers collectively and individually mixed along with other related Capricorn Records artists. Blues, Americana, and Singer/Songwriter music can also be found on Mountain Jam. Mo has been with WLVR since 2002.
behind the wheel for a soundtrack of America's musical roadways.
Learn more5:00pmSunday
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Learn more7:00pmSunday
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